Saturday, January 7, 2012


My body has gotten used to not eating more than a mandarin orange for a snack every couple hours... It is mostly juice. I had an odd feeling yesterday morning though. I drank the swamp juice and my stomachs went rumble like I was hungery... But I wasn't. I didn't feel any other tell tale sign that I had to eat. So I knew my bofy had all it needed but my stomach felt cheated. Hehehe

I had swamp juice twice yesterday and a nice juice of carrots and apples... It was very yummy comparably. Though I think I am getting used to the taste, I don't choke it down this morning. The after taste is pretty unpleasant so far, but I am doing it. I thought I would be shaking and feigning for food within a few days, but I am doing very well. At the end of this 10 days, I will decide if I can go any further, but keeping with the 10 days right now. I know for certain, I will look at the way I eat much differently. I will think more on what goes in my mouth and I I think more of the veggies that I didn't like the taste of before will taste so much better after swamp juice. Also I will be adding juice to my daily regimen. Maybe replacing my breakfast or lunch or switching it up for a meal. I will be fantastic.

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