Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My steps today

I went for a walk and took 3584 steps at a speed of 2.6 miles per hour, a distance of 1.7 miles, burned 256.9 calories and it took me 39 mins and 45 seconds. I am feeling it but I am feeling happy.

I think I will have a meal a day and work my food back in.

1 comment:

  1. Hey CJ :-) How's it going?

    I made a similar resolution for new year's - I want to get healthier. So I'm writing down what I eat and calculating calories. My boyfriend is doing it too :-) There's this website that makes it easy, Then stressful things happened (my mom was really sick so I went to see her and took care of stuff, then I moved, which was really hard) ... and when stress hits, I tend to do 2 things that are bad for my health: 1) I tend to eat too much / eat a lot of treats that are really only best in small quantities.. and 2) feel like I don't have enough time to exercise :-/ So.. I had to tell myself (on multiple occasions) that every moment is a new opportunity to do something different! And a couple of weeks ago I finally had a heart to heart talk with myself about how much food / many calories I feel like I need vs. how much/many I actually need.. I've had 1 day where I was over by a couple of hundred, but most of the time I've been under.

    Anyway, I hope you'll post again and let us know how it's going :-) I'll be here to encourage you, and I'm sure reading about what you're doing will encourage me :-)

