Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012

I started today. I walked 1.7 miles and ate every 2 hours and I felt great. I like to walk, it is enjoyable to walk with a friend and talk and also to zone out with headphones on and listen to music to set the pace. I like walking in parks and places with a lot to look at. I am not much of a mall walker, but I think if it rained or was too hot, I could walk in the mall for a while. I think walking an hour a day would do me a lot of good.

I am 33 years old and I weight somewhere around 280 lbs. I don't look it, honestly. I carry my weight evenly over my body, I look about 230 lbs. I am a mother to a 3 year old who is the sunshine of my life. I think if I can atleast teach her good exercise habits, maybe she won't end up with weight issues, like me.

I am going to try a juice fast and see how long I can do it for. My husband will be doing it for a whole 90 days. He has to reboot his system. I think he can do it and I am going to be there for him all the way but I hope I can make it as long as he does. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter, maybe I can do it if I put my mind to it.

I will weigh myself soon and try to weigh myself once a month. I also plan to take my measurements and track that as well. I have photos that I will post of my progress as well.

I can do this.

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