Monday, January 9, 2012

The stride

I have hit my stride with the juicing. It isn't hard anymore... I still want to eat but not needing to eat. I think the weirdest thing about the juicing is I drink it and my stomach feels cheated and growls like I am hungry but i am not. I get all the nutrients al it my belly feels like it should digest something. It is rather silly.

I am keeping busy with walking, running around with my daughter and she hasn't been happier than she is now, I am being the mommy she hasn't had ever. I get to make my kid smile with all the energy I have. I have been able to run her out of energy for a nap and for the night... That was fun and I had more energy to clean the house and enjoy working on my craft projects and just spending time with my family.

Last night though... We must not have washed one of the leaves of the kale well enough and me and my husband were not well. We have already been through the detox part of the fasting but this hurt a lot. I am doing better this morning but I am gonna be uber careful from now on.

I am ready for my walk today and get back on track. Type to you all later

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