Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My steps today

I went for a walk and took 3584 steps at a speed of 2.6 miles per hour, a distance of 1.7 miles, burned 256.9 calories and it took me 39 mins and 45 seconds. I am feeling it but I am feeling happy.

I think I will have a meal a day and work my food back in.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The stride

I have hit my stride with the juicing. It isn't hard anymore... I still want to eat but not needing to eat. I think the weirdest thing about the juicing is I drink it and my stomach feels cheated and growls like I am hungry but i am not. I get all the nutrients al it my belly feels like it should digest something. It is rather silly.

I am keeping busy with walking, running around with my daughter and she hasn't been happier than she is now, I am being the mommy she hasn't had ever. I get to make my kid smile with all the energy I have. I have been able to run her out of energy for a nap and for the night... That was fun and I had more energy to clean the house and enjoy working on my craft projects and just spending time with my family.

Last night though... We must not have washed one of the leaves of the kale well enough and me and my husband were not well. We have already been through the detox part of the fasting but this hurt a lot. I am doing better this morning but I am gonna be uber careful from now on.

I am ready for my walk today and get back on track. Type to you all later

Saturday, January 7, 2012


My body has gotten used to not eating more than a mandarin orange for a snack every couple hours... It is mostly juice. I had an odd feeling yesterday morning though. I drank the swamp juice and my stomachs went rumble like I was hungery... But I wasn't. I didn't feel any other tell tale sign that I had to eat. So I knew my bofy had all it needed but my stomach felt cheated. Hehehe

I had swamp juice twice yesterday and a nice juice of carrots and apples... It was very yummy comparably. Though I think I am getting used to the taste, I don't choke it down this morning. The after taste is pretty unpleasant so far, but I am doing it. I thought I would be shaking and feigning for food within a few days, but I am doing very well. At the end of this 10 days, I will decide if I can go any further, but keeping with the 10 days right now. I know for certain, I will look at the way I eat much differently. I will think more on what goes in my mouth and I I think more of the veggies that I didn't like the taste of before will taste so much better after swamp juice. Also I will be adding juice to my daily regimen. Maybe replacing my breakfast or lunch or switching it up for a meal. I will be fantastic.

Thursday, January 5, 2012



I had a laps in my will power. I ate and need to start fresh again. I drank green juice which is a recipe of Dino kale, cucumber, celery, apples, lime and ginger. I also think I need to try smaller goals. I am gonna try for a 10 day juice fast.

I never got a chance to take my measurements, so I did.

My Weight: 274

My Measurements: 53.5 inches (chest), 56 inches (waist), 57.5 inches (hips)

I plan to weigh myself and take my measurements every month. I had the green juice... I call it swamp juice, today and then carrot and apple juice. It was the best juice EVER! heh

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1

I started juicing today. I did not walk but I think I should. I will make an addendum to this post of I do.

I have been severely tempted to eat. I have to feed my daughter, but I just told myself that I am juicing so I will be better for her. I am right that I only really need to tell myself I can and I will do it. I am doing well and I am happy about it. I haven't felt the need to be close to the bathroom yet. I think that is odd but I think that is it.

I tried to measure my steps on my wall yesterday but I couldn't get my phone charged for it, so I can't post those, but maybe I will check my measurements today and see what that gets me. I guess I will make another post today

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012

I started today. I walked 1.7 miles and ate every 2 hours and I felt great. I like to walk, it is enjoyable to walk with a friend and talk and also to zone out with headphones on and listen to music to set the pace. I like walking in parks and places with a lot to look at. I am not much of a mall walker, but I think if it rained or was too hot, I could walk in the mall for a while. I think walking an hour a day would do me a lot of good.

I am 33 years old and I weight somewhere around 280 lbs. I don't look it, honestly. I carry my weight evenly over my body, I look about 230 lbs. I am a mother to a 3 year old who is the sunshine of my life. I think if I can atleast teach her good exercise habits, maybe she won't end up with weight issues, like me.

I am going to try a juice fast and see how long I can do it for. My husband will be doing it for a whole 90 days. He has to reboot his system. I think he can do it and I am going to be there for him all the way but I hope I can make it as long as he does. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter, maybe I can do it if I put my mind to it.

I will weigh myself soon and try to weigh myself once a month. I also plan to take my measurements and track that as well. I have photos that I will post of my progress as well.

I can do this.